1. Basic operations
Step 4
After steps 1 to 3 have been carried out, noise will still remain
in the detail areas such as the subject’s hair as shown in the
image below.
Noise remaining in the detail areas is also removed in
“step 4”.
If there are many areas with noise, the noise is removed by
carrying out this step several times.
If there are few areas with noise, adjust the noise using the
Mode item (“Spill+” and “Spill–”) of the Sample sub menu.
1Use [F2] to select “Composite” (composite image that
combines the background image and key) using the
View item.
2Use [F3] to select “Spill Sponge” using the Mode item.
Spill Sponge The noise remaining in the detailed areas is
3Using the positioner, move the position of the sample
marker to the position of the remaining noise.
To change the size of the sample marker, turn the rotary
encoder [Z].
4If the sample area that has been set is acceptable,
press the rotary encoder [Z].
The noise in the area that has been set is now removed,
and the colors become more natural.
5To return to the pre-sampling status after sampling has
been executed, press [F5].
The number of operations that can be undone is one
Execute sampling in both the light and dark areas as the
sample area.
If the noise in the foreground image is not completely
removed by carrying out the steps above, proceed with
the FineTuning sub menu operation.
Step 5
The objective of this step is to finely adjust the image by
adjusting the noise and transparency, for example.
1On the Chroma Key menu, use [F1] to display the
Sample sub menu.
2Use [F2] to select the image to be adjusted using the
View item.
Composite Composite image that combines the
background image and key
Matte Matte image
Proc.FG Process foreground image
FG Foreground image
3Use [F3] to select the adjustment function using the
Mode item.
For details on the items, refer to the following pages.
4Using the positioner, move the position of the sample
marker to the position to be sampled.
To change the size of the sample marker, turn the rotary
encoder [Z].
5If the sample area that has been set is acceptable,
press the rotary encoder [Z].
The area that has been set is now sampled.
6To return to the condition of a step earlier after an
adjustment has been made, press [F5].
The number of operations that can be undone is one