1. Understanding Your Phone
DBS-32-755 Issued April 2000 7
1. Understanding Your Phone
Becoming familiar with your Panasonic 44-Series digital phone will enable
you to effectively use its call-handling features.
Some features may not be available on your phone. For instance, the
following features of 44-Series phones require DBS software version CPC-
AII/B v. 8.0 or higher, CPC-S/M, v. 2.0 or higher, or CPC-EX v. 1.0 or higher.
• Handset Mute
• Off-hook Monitor
• Separate speaker volumes for internal vs. CO call
• Soft keys on small-display phones
• Directory and Variable Modes on small-display phones
• Message key on large-display phones
For additional information, see your system administrator or DBS dealer.
This chapter covers the following topics:
Topic Page
Non-Display Phones 8
Small-Display Phones 10
Large-Display Phones 15
Display Information 18