
2-10-2 Deleting Circles
You can delete circles set on the screen.
1, 2, 3...
1. Specify DELETE. The center points for all of the circles on the screen
will be indicated by small squares.
2. Specify the circle you want to delete. The designated circle will be en-
closed by a square frame and a message will be displayed asking
whether you actually want to delete the circle.
3. To delete the circle, press the Enter Key, or to cancel the deletion and
return to step 1, press the Escape Key.
2-10-3 Modifying Circles
1, 2, 3...
1. Specify MODIFY. The center points for all of the circles on the screen
are indicated by small squares.
2. Specify the center of the circle you want to modify.
Circles Section 2-10