Troubleshooting with the DeviceNet Unit Indicators Section 9-1
• Returns an error response (0302 Hex) to commands requiring a re-
• Discards other frames and stores an error record (010B Hex) in the er-
ror log.
Flags Allocated for C200H DeviceNet Master Unit (CIO n+24)
There is no status notification because communications with the CPU Unit are
CIO Area Flags Allocated to DeviceNet Unit
There is no status notification because communications with the CPU Unit are
Replace the CPU Unit.
CPU Unit Fatal Error
DeviceNet Unit Response
Output data is set to 0. (With the master, these are output bits. With the slave,
these are input bits to the other master.)
Output OFF Error
Likely Cause
The Output OFF Bit (A50015) was turned ON in the CPU Unit.
DeviceNet Unit Response
Output data is set to 0. (With the master, these are output bits. With the slave,
these are input bits to the other master.)
Slave Errors
Remote I/O
Communications Error
Likely Cause
A timeout occurred during remote I/O communications using the slave func-
DeviceNet Unit Response
Records the error in the error log.
If slave has outputs, the status of those outputs is determined by the hold/
clear outputs setting for communications errors.
CIO Area Flags Allocated to DeviceNet Unit
Bits 00 and 03 of n+10 (the Unit Error Flag and Slave Error Flag) and bits 02
and 03 of n+14 (the Remote I/O Communications Error Flag for OUT1/IN1
and Remote I/O Communications Error Flag for OUT2/IN2) will be ON.
Check the following:
• Matching master and slave baud rates
• Proper cable lengths (trunk and branch lines)
• Broken or loose cables
7-segment MS indicator NS indicator Error log (Hex)
--- --- --- ---
7-segment MS indicator NS indicator Error log (Hex)
--- --- --- ---
7-segment MS indicator NS indicator Error log (Hex)
L9 --- Red (flashing) 0345