CP1E CPU Unit Instructions Reference Manual(W483)
The CP1E CPU manuals are organized in the sections listed in the following tables. Refer to the appro-
priate section in the manuals as required.
Manual Configuration
CP1E CPU Unit Instructions Reference Manual (Cat. No. W483)
(This Manual)
Section Contents
Section 1 Summary of Instructions This section provides a summary of instructions used with a CP1E CPU
Section 2 Instruction This section describes the functions, operands and sample programs of
the instructions that are supported by a CP1E CPU Unit.
Section 3 Instruction Execution
Times and Number of Steps
This section provides the execution times for all instructions used with a
CP1E CPU Unit.
Section 4 Monitoring and
Computing the Cycle Time
This section describes how to monitor and calculate the cycle time of a
CP1E CPU Unit that can be used in the programs.
Appendices The appendices provide a list of instructions by Mnemonic and ASCII
code table for the CP1E CPU Unit.
CP1E CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W480)
Section Contents
Section 1 Overview This section gives an overview of the CP1E, describes its application
Section 2 CPU Unit Memory This section describes the types of internal memory in a CP1E CPU
Unit and the data that is stored.
Section 3 CPU Unit Operation This section describes the operation of a CP1E CPU Unit.
Section 4 Programming Concepts This section provides basic information on designing ladder programs
for a CP1E CPU Unit.
Section 5 I/O Memory This section describes the types of I/O memory areas in a CP1E CPU
Unit and the details.
Section 6 I/O Allocation This section describes I/O allocation used to exchange data between
the CP1E CPU Unit and other units.
Section 7 PLC Setup This section describes the PLC Setup, which are used to perform basic
settings for a CP1E CPU Unit.
Section 8 Overview and Allocation
of Built-in Functions
This section lists the built-in functions and describes the overall applica-
tion flow and the allocation of the functions.
Section 9 Quick-response Inputs This section describes the quick-response inputs that can be used to
read signals that are shorter than the cycle time.
Section 10 Interrupts This section describes the interrupts that can be used with CP1E PLCs,
including input interrupts and scheduled interrupts.
Section 11 High-speed Counters This section describes the high-speed counter inputs, high-speed
counter interrupts, and the frequency measurement function.
Section 12 Pulse Outputs This section describes positioning functions such as trapezoidal control,
jogging, and origin searches.
Section 13 PWM Outputs This section describes the variable-duty-factor pulse (PWM) outputs.
Section 14 Serial Communications This section describes communications with Programmable Terminals
(PTs) without using communications programming, no-protocol commu-
nications with general components, and connections with a Modbus-
RTU Easy Master, Serial PLC Link, and host computer.