Parameter Setting Baud rate
Baud rate
00 1,200 bps
01 2,400 bps
02 4,800 bps
03 9,600 bps
04 19,200 bps
8-6-3 Communications Procedure
The Protocol Macro’s communications sequences must be created with the Pro-
tocol Support Software and transferred to the Communications Board in ad-
vance. In the PC, the PMCR(––) instruction is executed to execute a commu-
nications sequence stored in the Communications Board.
Up to 1,000 communications sequences with sequence numbers 000 to 999 can
be created with the Protocol Support Software. Each communications se-
quence is composed of a maximum of 16 steps. The following table shows the
communications sequence settings.
Item Function Parameter settings
Transmission control Sets the transmission control method,
such as X-on/X-off flow control or RS/
CS flow control.
X-on/X-off, RS/CS, modem control, de-
limiter control, or contention control
Link words Sets the link words for the data link be-
tween the PC and Communications
IR/SR, LR, HR, AR, DM, and EM areas
Monitor time Sets the monitor time (watchdog timer)
for communications processing.
Reception standby, reception com-
pleted, transmission completed
0.01 s, 0.1 s, 1 s, and 1 minute units
Response notification Sets the timing for writing the received
Scan notification or interrupt notification
Repeat counter Sets the number of times to repeat the
Constant 0 to 255
IR/SR, LR, HR, AR, DM, and EM areas
Command Sets the communications command. Send, Recv, or Send&Recv
Number of retries Sets the number of retries when errors
occur for the Send&Recv command.
0 to 9
Transmission wait time Sets the time to wait before sending
the data when transmitting
0.01 s, 0.1 s, 1 s, and 1 minute units
Transmission message Sets the transmission data for the Send
or Send&Recv commands.
Header, address, length, data, error
check code, and terminator
Reception message Sets the expected reception data for
the Recv or Send&Recv commands.
Header, address, length, data, error
check code, and terminator
Reception matrix Sets the expected reception data (up to
15 types) for the Recv or Send&Recv
commands and adjusts processing de-
pending on the data type.
Header, address, length, data, error
check code, terminator, and next pro-
Response notification Sets whether or not to write the re-
ceived data.
Next process Sets the next step to go to when the
current step has been completed suc-
End, Goto, Next, or Abort
Error processing Sets the next step to go to when an er-
ror has occurred in the current step.
End, Goto, Next, or Abort
Communications Sequence
The Protocol Macro Function
Section 8-6