12 OKIPAGE 8w Lite
10. From the File menu, select Page Setup. Choose
the required page size and orientation, then click
on the OK button.
Parallel connection
1. Insert the OKIPAGE 8w Lite Manuals and Soft-
ware CD that came with the printer into the CD-
ROM drive.
2. Click on Start - Run.
3. Type D:\setup.exe (where “D” represents your
CD-ROM drive letter). Click OK.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions
USB connection
The USB port capability can only be used with
Windows 98.
1. Connect the printer and USB cable (see “USB
connection”) to your computer and switch on the
2. Windows will report that it has detected unknown
3. Click Next and follow on-screen instructions.
4. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive. Click
Next, then select the CD-ROM drive to search for
a USB driver.
5. Click on Next again to install the USB driver fol-
lowing the on-screen instructions.
6. After installing the USB driver, Windows will
report that it has detected a new Okipage printer.
Allowing Windows to automatically intsall the
driver for an Okipage printer does NOT fully in-
stall the necessary software. Installation of the
printer driver must be done using the setup rou-
tine from the CD that came with the Okipage
7. Click on Cancel to close the window, then click
on Start - Run.
8. Type D:\setup.exe (where D represents the CD-
ROM drive letter). Click OK.
9. Select Install Printer Driver. Follow the on-screen
instructions, selecting USB port connection for
the printer.