4. Check the color of the center circle in the printout against the surrounding circles:
• If the center circle matches the circles labeled 00, the color balance is okay and you're
done. Press ON LINE (the printer goes back on line).
• If the center circle does not match the circles labeled 00, determine which
surrounding circle most closely matches the center circle and note its number.
5. Press VALUE (+ or -) until COLOR BALANCE ADJUST SELECT PATTERN # displays,
where # represents the number of the circle determined in step 4.
6. Press SELECT.
The new value is engaged and a new test pattern prints.
7. Check the pattern again and repeat steps 4 through 6 until the color of the center circle
most closely matches the circles labeled 00.
Note: The color balance process is subjective. It is unlikely that you will get an exact
match of the center circle to the circles labeled 00. Repeat the color balance process
until you feel you have a match, but no more than three times before pressing ON LINE
to exit the color balance process.
8. Press ON LINE.
The printer goes back on line.
Setting Power Save Mode (Time to Print)
The Power Save Mode setting determines the amount of time the printer waits for another print
job before going to the standby state.
Once the printer is in the standby state, it must warm up first before it prints a job or before you
can access the printer's menu.
Note: The default setting for the Power Save interval is 60 minutes.