C3200n User’s Guide
Utilities • 165
Installing the Color Swatch Utility
1. Place the CD supplied with your printer in your CD-ROM
drive and wait for the Menu Installer to open.
If the CD does not AutoPlay, click
Browse. Browse to your CD-ROM.
Double-click Install.exe. Click OK.
2. Click Next to accept the terms in the license agreement.
3. Click Productivity Software → Color Swatch Utility and
follow the on-screen instructions.
Opening the Color Swatch utility
Click Start → Programs → Color Swatch → Color Swatch
Using the Color Swatch Utility
Selecting Colors
When you load the utility, a swatch page displays commonly
used colors. Select print to print sample pages.
Color Samples
Use the color blocks to pick the specific colors that you want to
appear in your printed document.
Color Values
Each color block, or sample, is identified with information your
software package needs to reproduce that color accurately.
The numbers under each block specify the amounts of the