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Service Manual for OF5800
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Procedures
R.1.1 T1 time-out. The calling unit was not a fax machine or the transmitting unit is having difficulties.
R.1.2 Compatibility error. The calling unit is attempting to poll a document that does not exist, has secure
tx enabled or is attempting to transmit to a nonexistent secure mailbox.
R.1.4 The Stop button was pressed during reception.
R.2.1 A compatibility error (closed network, junk fax detection) occurred.
R.2.3 No response to FTT. Poor phone line conditions made fax communication impossible. Enable the
one second pause after CED on Memory Switch C0. Also try increasing the echo wait time on Memory
Switch C1 if echo is on the line.
R.3.1 No response to CFR. DCN was received from the transmitter. Poor line conditions made
communication impossible. Adjust the echo wait time on Memory Switch C1 Try increasing the output
levels via Machine Parameter A1.
R.3.3 Too many errors were detected during data reception. The carrier was interrupted. Increase the
data error rate on Memory Switch C0.
R.3.4 DCN was received after FTT. Communication was not possible at 2400 bps. Poor phone line
conditions prevented fax communication. Enable the Eye Quality Check on Memory Switch D1 and D2.
R.3.5 Poor line conditions prevented reception.
R.4.2 MPS/EOM/EOP was not received Either the line disconnected before reception was completed or
too many errors were detected by the receiving unit. Adjust the data error rate on Memory Switch C0. It
may also be necessary to decrease the receive communication speed via memory switch C0.
R.4.4 The receiving fax machine has reached its memory capacity.
R.5.1 DCN was received instead of RR during ECM communication.
R.5.2 Line noise or other problems prevented ECM reception.
Copyright 1997, Okidata, Division of OKI America, Inc. All rights reserved. See the OKIDATA Business
Partner Exchange (BPX) for any updates to this material. (http://bpx.okidata.com)