
40672201TX Rev.4
The FAX(B) only performs the normal G3 facsimile receiving operation; so, the
user need not prepare a special protocol.
(4) Web retrieval
Request route: FAX(A) -> FAX2NET server (P)
Receiving route: Web server (W) -> FAX2NET server (P) -> FAX(A)
Web server (W) and server (P) are connected via internet. The FAX(A) and server (P),
and the server (P) and FAX(A) are connected through a general telephone line.
The FAX(A) reports a Web URL to be fetched to server (P) and disconnects the line once.
FAX2NET server (P) converts a specified Web page to facsimile data, issues a call to the
FAX(A), and sends the data to the FAX(A) with the T.30 protocol.
A special protocol is not used in a Web page receiving route. This is a normal G3 fac-
simile reception for the FAX(A).
(5) Payment Card Registration
Request route: FAX(A) -> FAX2NET server (P)
FAX(A) reports the payment card number to the FAX2NET server (P) using DTMF tone.
Continuosly, FAX2NET server sends the registered result image report to the FAX(P) as
the facsimile image data by the normal T.30 protocol.
3. Setup Items
3.1 Registration information
The following items are added to the already registered items.
3.1.1 Facsimile Network Registration
(1) FAX2NET server telephone number
Telephone number of the FAX2NET server to be used. Max. 32 digits. At setting of
PBX, this number must be registered, including DIAL PREFIX for PBX-> PTT switching.
(2) Account number
ID particular to a terminal registered in the FAX2NET service. The user must fetch this
number individually from FAX2NET.
Account Number (10-digit maximum) + PIN Number (4-digit maximum)
(3) International telephone prefix
Number required to decide whether the FAX2NET service should be started. When the
prefix of the destination telephone number matches a registered number, a call is issued
to the FAX2NET server. If DIAL PREFIX is specified for the PBX, a number following a
dial prefix (and hyphen, blank or pause) is compared with the international telephone
Max. 10 digits
When an E-mail address/Web URL is included in a communication destination not
communicated, the server telephone number and account number cannot be deleted.
(Illegal operation)
If either the server telephone number or account number is deleted, another one is also