
Microsoft Windows 99
Windows 2000
1. Click the [Start] button, select [Settings] and then click on
[Network and Dial-up Connections].
2. Double-click the [Local Area Connection] icon. In the [Local Area
Connection Status] dialogue box, click the [Properties] button.
3. In the [Local Area Connection Properties] dialogue box, if the
[NetBEUI Protocol] is not listed, click the [Install] button.
4. In the [Select Network Component Type] dialogue box, select
[Protocol] and click the [Add...] button.
5. In the [Select Network Protocol] dialogue box, select [NetBEUI
Protocol] and click the [OK] button.
6. Click the [Close] button in the [Local Area Connection Properties]
dialogue box.
7. Click the [Close] button in the [Local Area Connection Status]
dialogue box.
Windows XP
Although you can install the NetBEUI protocol into Windows XP, it is
not supported. You should be able to use NetBEUI on LAN connections
although you will not be able to use this on a Remote Access Service
1. In the [Start] menu, select [Settings] then [Control Panel].
2. Double-click on [Network Connections].
3. Right-click the adapter you wish to add NetBEUI to and then click
4. On the [General] tab, select [Install].
5. Select [Protocol] and then [Add].