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Section 5 - Chapter 2 - Installing the OkiLAN 6100e
OKI OkiLAN 6100e+ User’s Guide
Banyan VINES
After making your selection, the following message
will appear:
The service is running but not yet available
to users.
For the service to be available, you must configure at
least one destination.
8. To configure the service, press F10. Modify the
parameters in the next three screens to fit your needs
or simply press F10 to accept the defaults.
9. When the Add a Destination screen displays, select
PCPrint and press Enter.
10. The Destination Attributes screen will display. The
PCPRINT ST Name is the name you previously
established under the Add a User screen. You may
choose to use the same description, a new
description, or no description. Complete this screen
and press F10.
11. The Output Strings screen will display. Press F10
to accept the defaults.
12. The Enable Strings screen will display. Once again,
press F10 to accept the defaults.
13. The system will now ask you if you want to add
another destination. You may add another
destination at this time or select NO to make the
OkiLAN 6100e+ the exclusive destination of this