
Operation Chapter 3
AG-STAR User Manual Rev 2 24
3.4.2 Rover Station Configuration
At the rover station, enter:
COM [port] bps [parity[databits[stopbits[handshake[echo[break]]]]]]
interfacemode port rx_type tx_type [responses]
For example:
RTCA com com2 115200 N 8 1 N off
interfacemode com2 rtca none off
RTCM com com2 115200 N 8 1 N off
interfacemode com2 rtcm none off
RTCMV3 com com2 115200 N 8 1 N off
interfacemode com2 rtcmv3 none off
CMR+ com com2 115200 N 8 1 N off
interfacemode com2 cmr none off
CMR com com2 115200 N 8 1 N off
interfacemode com2 cmr none off (same as CMR+)
3.4.3 GPS + GLONASS Base and Rover Configuration
This section shows you how to set up base and rover AG-STAR GPS + GLONASS enabled receivers for
GPS + GLONASS DGPS corrections operation: Base Station:
pdpfilter disable
fix position lat lon hgt (enter your own lat, lon, and hgt values)
com com2 115200 N 8 1 N off
interfacemode com2 none rtcm off
log com2 rtcm1 ontime 5
log com2 rtcm31 ontime 5 1
saveconfig (optional, save configuration to non-volatile memory) Rover Station (DGPS positions):
com com2 115200 N 8 1 N off
interfacemode com2 rtcm none off
log com1 bestposa ontime 1 (optional, view position information)
saveconfig (optional, save configuration to non-volatile memory)