
NEVER leave the unit unattended while operating.
Tortillas are recommended for use in your ELECTRIC QUESADILLA 1.
MAKER™. Make sure they are fresh tortillas, not old nor stale.
Make sure fillings are evenly distributed on the bottom tortilla 2.
to about 1/2 inch from the edge, so that the edges of the tortilla
can seal together and ingredients stay inside of tortillas.
Use soft ingredients: shredded cheeses, prepared salsa, and thinly cut or 3.
shredded cooked meat, chicken and vegetables. Never use anything with bones
nor pits included, nor anything uncooked such as raw meats, chicken, etc.
Avoid processed cheeses as they liquefy quickly 4.
and will drain out of the quesadilla.
Do not use more than 1/4 cup of shredded cheese or 1/2 cup of 5.
salsa, as they will leak out while cooking your quesadilla.
The average time for cooking a quesadilla, if not overfilled, is 3-7 minutes.6.
Crisping of the tortilla occurs while cooking, therefore, 7.
less time cooked = less crisping.
Longer cooking will create a crispier quesadilla. DO NOT overcook quesadilla.8.
NEVER force the Lid to lock, this could result in damage to the hinge of the Lid.9.
Always have the Drip Tray in place when cooking a quesadilla. Check the 10.
Drip Tray frequently during cooking sessions to prevent overflow.
Should melting occur that causes leakage of the tortillas, 11.
gently wipe up melted cheese, etc. from the non-stick Cooking
Surface before cooking the next quesadilla. This will prevent
burning or scorching of previously melted cheeses, etc.
You can reheat previously cooked quesadillas by placing the quesadilla 12.
on the preheated unit, lining up the grill marks on the quesadilla with
the Plate Pockets, lowering the Lid, and reheating for 1-3 minutes.
Always allow the appliance to cool before removing the 13.
Drip Tray and wiping out the interior for cleaning.
Your quesadilla has been overtsuffed if it looks like this:14.
No Indentation
From Plate
Tortillas Do
Not Seal