New Super Mario Bros. Wii
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Mario’s Actions
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Game Screen
Mario’s Moves
These are Mario’s standard moves. When playing multiplayer, Luigi, Yellow Toad, and
Blue Toad use the same controls.
Left or right on
Press left or right on to walk.
Left or right on +
Press and hold while pressing left or right on to move from a walk to a
dash. Mario can dash over one-block-wide gaps without falling into them.
Down on
Press and hold down on to duck. Do this
while dashing to make Mario slide for a bit
while ducking.
Jump and Stomp
Press to jump. Press and release for short
jumps, and press and hold for longer jumps.
Jumping on top of enemies is the most basic
way to attack them. If you press right when
you land on an enemy, you’ll be able to jump
higher than usual.
Spin Jump Shake the Wii Remote
Shake the Wii Remote to make Mario spin
and jump. You can also spin jump to turn
screws in some courses.
For Nunchuk controls, see page 6.
Mario’s Actions
Pause Menu
on the action screen to halt the game
and open the pause menu. Select menu items
with , then conrm with .
Select this option to resume your game.
Exit Course
Leave the course and return to the map screen.
You can only select Exit Course on courses you’ve already cleared.
If you exit a course, any coins or points you’ve collected will not be saved.
Super Guide
If you’re having trouble with a tough course
and lose a life enough times in a row, a
will appear in the course. Hit the block to
activate Super Guide and call in Mario’s bro,
Luigi, to take control of the game and show
you a safe route through the course as he
heads for the goal.
at any time while Super Guide is active to resume control and play the
rest of the course as Luigi.
Any coins and points Luigi collects while Super Guide is active will not be saved.
Once you clear the course by yourself, the
will disappear.