When you are playing Kirby’s Dream Collection
Special Edition with the screen aspect ratio set to
16:9, frames will be displayed around the game
screen. You can remove these frames by holding
down and at the same time on the Wii
Remote or Classic Controller
Note: When playing Kirby’s Dream Land and
Kirby’s Dream Land 2, frames will be displayed even in the
4:3 aspect ratio.
5 6
Saving and Suspend Feature
In the New Challenge Stages, your game is saved automatically as you clear each
stage. In all Classic Titles games, your game progress is saved either with Suspend
Points or the game’s save function. In The Great Cave Offensive, one of the Kirby
Super Star game modes, you need to save the game progress at one of the save points.
Note: Saving will require 31 open blocks in the Wii system memory.
Note: The save data for New Challenge Stages and Classic Titles can be erased
individually. The erased data cannot be recovered, so please be careful.
Note: For more information on how to delete fi les from your Wii system memory
or copy fi les to an SD Card, please see the Wii Settings and Data Management
section of your Wii Operations Manual.
When you quit the game in Classic Titles, a Suspend Point is created and the game
will continue from that point the next time you play. The Suspend Point will be
deleted once the game has restarted.
Note: Kirby’s Dream Land only has the suspend function and does not have the
save function.
Note: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards only has the save function and does not have
the suspend function.
Return to the Title Screen
You can go back to the mode-selection screen by selecting Reset on the HOME
Menu or by pressing the RESET Button on the Wii console. When playing a
Classic Titles game, simultaneously hold down +
on the Wii
Remote or
+ +
on the Classic Controller to return to the
title screen of the game you are playing.
Controls for New Challenge Stages
For the Wii Remote controls, please see pages 19-20.
L Button
+Control Pad
Move, (+Control
Pad down)
+ Button
R Button
L Stick
Move, (down)
HOME Button
x Button
(repeatedly) Fly
a Button
(repeatedly) Fly
y Button
(while Kirby has
a Copy Ability)
Use Copy Ability
b Button
(while Kirby has
a Copy Ability)
Use Copy Ability
A Button
Jump, (repeatedly) Fly
R Button
L Button
Control Stick
Move, (down) Swallow
Y Button
Inhale/Spit, (while
Kirby has a Copy Ability)
Use Copy Ability
X Button
Jump, (repeatedly) Fly
+Control Pad
Move, (down) Swallow
B Button
Inhale/Spit, (while Kirby has a Copy Ability)
Use Copy Ability
New Challenge Stages support the rumble feature of the GameCube Controller.