You’ll control Mario as he ventures from the Comet
Observatory out into wild and alien galaxies to collect all
of the scattered Power Stars.
Look for Power Stars
Mario will explore many galaxies. In most galaxies,
you will need to do many things to find a Power Star.
When you obtain the star at the end of a mission,
you will open up the next mission in that galaxy, if
there are any.
Power Star
Comet Observatory
This is the starting point for many of your adventures throughout the
cosmos. You will move from domes (galaxy observatories) to the galaxies
themselves, collecting information from Lumas as you go. When you collect
the Grand Star in the last galaxy of one dome, the next dome will open.
Grand Star
Number of Star Bits
This is the total number of
Star Bits you have collected
on your journey through
the galaxies.
Galaxy Selection Screen
Grab the Pull Star (P17) at the top of a dome to enter the galaxy-selection
screen. Choose the galaxy you want to try, then select “Fly to this Galaxy.”
You will then advance to the mission-selection screen.
Collect the number of
Power Stars shown to
discover this galaxy.
Discovered Galaxy
Point at this
galaxy and press
to fly there.
Point at something other than a galaxy and press to grab a point
you can use to rotate the system for a better view.
Mission Selection Screen
Point at a mission and press to fly to the galaxy. If you point at a mission
you have already cleared, you can see your previous high score.
Mission You
Have Already
Mission You
Have Not Yet
Galaxy Screen
When your life meter reaches zero from getting hit by enemies, thorns, or
other dangerous things, or if you fall into a black hole, the number of your
remaining lives will go down by one. If you lose your life while you have
zero remaining lives, the game will end and you will return to the title screen.
Information other than your life meter will appear on-screen when you stand still.
Number of
Power Stars
Remaining lives
Life Meter
This will go
down by one
each time you
touch an enemy
or hazard.
This is the
number of Star
Bits you have
collected in the
current galaxy.
Pause Screen
Press and hold or to pause. On
the pause screen, you can check how
many coins you have collected or which
galaxy you are currently in. To resume
your game, select Back to go back to the
action or Return to the Observatory to go
back to the observatory.
Traveling the GalaxiesTraveling the Galaxies
Number of Coins
Collected in the
Current Galaxy
View the System
Number of
Star Bits