Security 12-3
When you enter your password, you are prompted to confirm it by re-entering it in a pop-up window.
Re-type your password to confirm your entry. When you press Return, the password becomes effective.
Protecting the configuration screens
You can protect the configuration screens with user accounts. You can administer the accounts from the
Security Options screen. You can create up to four accounts.
To display a view-only list of user accounts, select Show Users in the Security Options screen.
To add a new user account, select Add User in the Security Options screen and press Return to go to the Add
Name With Write Access screen.
Security Options
| |
En| Password Confirmation |
| |
En| |
En| Please re-enter Password: ******************** |
Co| |
Sh| |
Ad| |
Password for This Screen (11 chars max): ******
Configuration Changes Reset WAN Connection: Yes