YML17WN NetComm Liberty Series 3G Wireless N150 Router17WN NetComm Liberty Series 3G Wireless N150 Router NetComm Liberty Series 3G Wireless N150 Router3G Wireless N150 Router
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NetComm Liberty Series - Wireless N150 Router
For Internet services using L2TP.
Name Description
Server IP address: Type in the server IP address assigned by your Internet Service Provider.
L2TP Account/Password: Type in the username and password assigned by your provider.
Address Mode: Select Dynamic if your service uses a DHCP server, or select Static and
type in the IP address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway assigned by your
Internet Service Provider.
Operation Mode: There are 3 options:
‘Keep Alive’ - Keeps the Internet connection alive, does not disconnect.
‘On Demand’ - Only connects to Internet when there’s a connect attempt
‘Manual’ - Only connects to the Internet when the ‘Connect’ button on this page is
pressed, and disconnects when the ‘Disconnect’ button is pressed.
MAC Clone: Please input the MAC address of your computer here if your service provider
only permits computers with a certain MAC address to access the Internet. If
you are using the computer which used to connect to the Internet via a cable
modem, you can simply press the ‘Default’ button to ll the MAC address eld
with the MAC address of your computer.
Click Apply to save the settings.