Chapter 6: Diagnostics Specification 6-9
IBM 46xx Test
The IBM 468x, 469x diagnostics test the 5992 communication using the
RS485 IBM 4680 Feature C protocol. Select the IBM 46xx TEST from
the Diagnostics Menu:
2A23 <0x68>
The second line displays the first slot and port number option that can
be tested.
The keypad Yes and No keys are used to scroll up and down through
the 4 available slot and port number options. These 4 options are:
2A23 <0x68>. Selects slot 2A, port 23. This compares to the Feature
C address 0x68 (104).
2A25<0x64>. Selects slot 2A, port 25. This compares to the Feature
C address 0x64 (100).
2B23<0x69>. Selects slot 2B, port 23. This compares to the Feature C
address 0x69 (105).
2B25<0x65>. Selects slot 2B, port 25. This compares to the Feature C
address 0x65 (101).
To test the Feature C port, select the port by pressing the Enter key
when the appropriate slot and port option displays. The following
information displays:
Testing 2A23
Poll Count 0000
The first line displays the slot and port option selected.
The Poll Count on line two displays the number of Polls (divided by
40) that have been received at this port. Polling always starts from zero.
If the selected Feature C port is active on the IBM 46xx, the number of
polls increment about once every second. This indicates that
communications with the IBM 46xx register are being conducted.