Strides Per Minute — Your strides per minute can be an extremely valuable
tool to measure the length of your stride and consistency of your stride
rate. In general as your speed increases your stride rate increases as your
legs are moving faster. Speed and Strides Per Minute are not however
directly connected. There are several philosophies on the optimal stride
rate depending on your walking/running speed as well as your leg length. In
general, a lower stride rate, equals fewer strides for a given speed resulting
in greater running effi ciency. Also important is to maintain a consistent stride
rate for the entire workout. Often as a user gets fatigued, the begin taking
shorter, “choppier” strides. Monitoring this number can help to improve your
performance at any level.
Pace — Displays the walking/running pace in minutes per mile (or minutes per
kilometer). This time displayed is the time it will take you to complete one mile
at your current rate. Pace is shown in the Time display for 4 seconds anytime
speed is modifi ed using the SPEED UP/DOWN keys. For speeds less than
0.7 mph, Pace is displayed in the format 000 where Pace is expressed in minutes
only (no seconds). For speeds greater than or equal to 0.7 mph, Pace is displayed
in the format 00:00 where Pace is expressed as minutes and seconds.
Watts — During a workout, this statistic displays the power output at the
current speed and incline, displayed in watts (746 watts = 1 hp).
METs — Gives you the relative energy cost of exercise. MET stands for
multiples of the resting metabolic rate. While you are sitting quietly, your body
consumes oxygen at the rate of about 3.5 milliliters per kilogram of body mass
per minute. When you exercise, your body needs more oxygen in order to
function. For example, exercising at 10 METs requires ten times the resting rate
of oxygen consumption, or about 35 milliliters per kilogram per minute. During a
workout, this key shows the current MET level. During the workout summary, the
average MET level is displayed.
Workout Profi le — The dot-matrix area of the display shows the actual
course profi le of the selected exercise program. The taller the column, the
higher the incline and/or speed for that interval. The fl ashing column shows
your current interval.