“DECREASE TO 90”—Indicates that your stride rate
is above 105 strides per minute.
7. The test will be terminated early, and the
LATER” will be displayed if:
• The user stops exercising at any point during
the test.
• The [STOP] key is pressed.
• The heart rate response to each work level is
the same or less than the previous work level.
• The heart rate never reaches 115 beats/minute.
• The heart rate continues to rise after the
fi fth minute.
8. The test is complete when two consecutive steady-
state heart rates are obtained above 115 beats/
minute. The test can be as short as 6 minutes, or as
long as 15 minutes.
No cool down is done at the end of the test.
9. The estimated maximal aerobic capacity is
displayed in METs, and VO2max . The results are
compared to normative values of the same age and
gender1 (see below), and given a fi tness rating
of”Low”,”Fair”,”Average”,”Good”, or”High.”
Fitness Rating Norms (VO2max)
AGE 20 – 29 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 +
High 51.4 + 50.4 + 48.2 + 45.3 + 42.5 +
Good 51.3 – 46.8 50.3 – 44.6 48.1 – 41.8 45.2 – 38.5 42.4 – 35.3
Average 46.7 – 42.5 44.5 – 41.0 41.7 – 38.1 38.4 – 35.2 35.2 – 31.8
Fair 42.4 – 39.5 40.9 – 37.4 38.0 – 35.1 35.1 – 32.3 31.7 – 28.7
Low 39.4 or less 37.3 or less 35.0 or less 32.2 or less 28.6 or less
High 44.2 + 41.0 + 39.5 + 35.2 + 35.2 +
Good 44.1 – 38.1 40.9 – 36.7 39.4 – 33.8 35.1 – 30.9 35.1 – 29.4
Average 38.0 – 35.2 36.6 – 33.8 33.7 – 30.9 30.8 – 28.2 29.3 – 25.8
Fair 35.1 – 32.3 33.7 – 30.5 30.8 – 28.3 28.1 – 25.5 25.7 – 23.8
Low 32.2 or less 30.4 or less 28.2 or less 25.4 or less 23.7 or less
1 The American College of Sports Medicine, Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 6th Edition, Lippincott WIlliams & WIlkins, Philidelphia, PA, 2000, p. 77.
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