
Chapter 1 Installing and Configuring the SCXI-119X
SCXI-1190/1191 User Manual 1-8 www.ni.com
You now have the choice of automatically detecting which modules are
installed in the chassis or manually adding them.
If you have just added the chassis to Devices and Interfaces, you can
automatically detect new modules.
If the chassis was already listed in Devices and Interfaces, you must
manually add new modules.
Go to the appropriate section that follows to continue the software
configuration of your chassis.
If you need further help during the configuration process, open
Measurement & Automation Help by selecting Help»Help Topics in your
Measurement & Automation Explorer window.
Auto-Detecting Modules
If you selected auto-detect, you must have your chassis connected to your
DAQ device or computer-based instrument, except in the case of a remote
chassis, which you should connect to the computer using a serial port cable.
Before auto-detecting modules, refer to the Connecting the SCXI-119X to
a DAQ Device or Computer-Based Instrument section.
To auto-detect your SCXI module(s), follow these steps:
1. Make sure the chassis power is turned on.
2. In the auto-detect window, select Yes under Auto-Detect Modules?
and click Next. If your chassis is a remote SCXI chassis, go to step 5,
otherwise go to step 3.
3. Select your communication path, which is the device in your PC or
PXI system directly connected to the chassis, and click Next.
4. When the modules are detected, select the module that is connected to
your communication device by the cable.
5. Click Finish.
Measurement & Automation Explorer should now recognize your SCXI
chassis and SCXI module(s). If the software did not recognize your
modules, check your cable connections and retry auto-detecting.
Alternatively, try installing the modules manually before taking the
troubleshooting measures discussed in the Troubleshooting Self-Test
Verification section.