© National Instruments Corporation 2-1 IMAQ PCI/PXI-1411 User Manual
This chapter lists what you need to get started acquiring images with
your IMAQ device; describes optional equipment and custom cables;
and explains how to unpack, configure, and install your IMAQ device.
What You Need to Get Started
To set up and use your PCI/PXI-1411, you will need the following:
❑ One of the following IMAQ devices:
– PCI-1411
– PXI-1411
❑ Getting Started with Your IMAQ System
❑ IMAQ PCI/PXI-1411 User Manual
❑ NI-IMAQ release notes
❑ NI-IMAQ for Windows 2000/NT/9x and documentation
❑ Optional software packages and documentation:
– IMAQ Vision for G, LabWindows/CVI, or ComponentWorks
– BridgeVIEW
– LabWindows/CVI
– IMAQ Vision Builder
❑ BNC cable (included with your PCI/PXI-1411)
❑ S-Video cable (optional)
❑ Your Pentium-based PCI computer, PXI chassis, or CompactPCI
chassis running Windows 2000, Windows NT, or Windows 9x
❑ An analog video camera (composite or S-Video)