Pins 1–48, 51–98...................................................... Level Min Max
Output high voltage
= -2.5 mA) 3.7 V 5.0 V
Output low voltage
= 2.5 mA) 0.0 V 0.4 V
Output current
= 0.5 V) 4 mA —
Output current
= 2.7 V) 4 mA —
Operating Temperature ................................................ 0° to 70° C
Storage Temperature .................................................... -55° to 150° C
Relative humidity ......................................................... 5% to 90% noncondensing
Dimensions .................................................................. 3.9 in. by 6.5 in.
I/O connector................................................................ 100-pin male, ribbon-cable connector
Power Requirement (from PC I/O Channel)
Typ power .................................................................... 0.38 A at 5 VDC (±5%)
Max power ................................................................... 0.8 A at 5 VDC (±5%)
Note: These power usage figures do not include the power used by external devices that are connected to the
fused supply present on the I/O connector.
Transfer Rates
The maximum average transfer rates for the PC-DIO-96 are shown as follows. The code used to make the
measurements follows the table. The assembly language code was assembled as inline assembly C code using
version 8.00 of the Microsoft Optimizing C Compiler. The C code was compiled using version 8.00 of the
Microsoft Optimizing C Compiler.