© National Instruments Corporation G-7 NI PXI-562x User Manual
RAM random-access memory
random interleaved
sampling (RIS)
method of increasing sample rate by repetitively sampling a repeated
real-time sampling sampling that occurs immediately
record length the size of a chunk (or record) of data that can be or has been acquired by a
resolution Thesmallest amount of input signal changethat an instrument or sensor can
detect. Resolution can be expressed in bits, in proportions, or in percent
of full scale. For example, a system has 12-bit resolution, one part in
4,096 resolution, and 0.0244% of full scale.
rms root mean square—a measure of signal amplitude; the square root of the
average value of the square of the instantaneous signal amplitude
ROM read-only memory
s seconds
S samples
S/s samples per second—used to express the rate at which an instrument
samples an analog signal
sample rate the speed that a device can acquire data
sense in 4-wire resistance the sense measures the voltage across the resistor
being excited by the excitation current
settling time the amount of time required for a voltage to reach its final value within
specified limits