NI PXI-4224 User Manual G-8
relative accuracy A measure in LSB of the accuracy of an ADC. It includes all nonlinearity
and quantization errors. It does not include offset and gain errors of the
circuitry feeding the ADC.
resolution The smallest signal increment that can be detected by a measurement
system. Resolution can be expressed in bits, in proportions, or in percent
of full scale. For example, a system has 16-bit resolution, one part in
65,536 resolution, and 0.0015% of full scale.
rms Root mean square—The square root of the average value of the square of
the instantaneous signal amplitude; a measure of signal amplitude.
RTSI bus Real-time system integration bus—The NI timing bus that connects DAQ
devices directly, for precise synchronization of functions.
s Second or seconds.
S Sample or samples.
S/s Samples per second—Used to express the rate at which a DAQ device
samples an analog signal.
sample counter The clock that counts the output of the channel clock, in other words,
the number of samples taken.
scan One or more analog or digital input samples. Typically, the number of input
samples in a scan is equal to the number of channels in the input group. For
example, one pulse from the scan clock produces one scan which acquires
one new sample from every analog input channel in the group.
scan clock The clock controlling the time interval between scans.
scan interval Controls how often a scan is initialized. The scan interval is regulated by
scan rate Reciprocal of the scan interval.