
© National Instruments Corporation 3-1 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
Developing Your NI-488.2
This chapter describes how to develop an NI-488.2 application using the
NI-488.2 API.
Simple Instrument Control
To establish basic communication with your instrument, use the NI-488.2
Communicator, as follows:
1. If you have not already done so, scan for connected instruments as
described in the Scan for GPIB Instruments section in Chapter 2,
Measurement & Automation Explorer.
2. Select Start»Programs»National Instruments NI-488.2»Explore
GPIB to start Measurement & Automation Explorer.
3. Expand the Devices and Interfaces directory by clicking on the + next
to the folder.
4. Select your GPIB interface.
Measurement & Automation Explorer displays the connected
instruments in the right window pane.
5. Right-click on your GPIB instrument and select Communicate with
Instrument from the drop-down menu that appears.