
Timer Overview (Continued)
(Clock Input16) rate It is used for WATCHDOG logic high
speed event capture and to exit from the IDLE mode Con-
sequently it cannot be stopped or written to under software
control Timer T0 permits precise measurements by means
of the capture registers I2CR I3CR and I4CR A control bit
in the register TMMODE configures timer T1 and its associ-
ated register R1 as capture registers I3CR and I2CR The
capture registers I2CR I3CR and I4CR respectively record
the value of timer T0 when specific events occur on the
interrupt pins I2 I3 and I4 The control register IRCD pro-
grams the capture registers to trigger on either a rising edge
or a falling edge of its respective input The specified edge
can also be programmed to generate an interrupt (see
ure 19
The HPC167064 provides an additional 16-bit free running
timer T8 with associated input capture register EICR (Ex-
ternal Interrupt Capture Register) and Configuration Regis-
ter EICON EICON is used to select the mode and edge of
the EI pin EICR is a 16-bit capture register which records
the value of T8 (which is identical to T0) when a specific
event occurs on the EI pin
The timers T2 and T3 have selectable clock rates The
clock input to these two timers may be selected from the
following twosources anexternal pinorderived internallyby
FIGURE 19 Timers T0 T1 and T8
with Four Input Capture Registers
dividing the clock input Timer T2 has additional capability of
being clocked by the timer T3 underflow This allows the
user to cascade timers T3 and T2 into a 32-bit timercoun-
ter The control register DIVBY programs the clock input to
timers T2 and T3 (see
Figure 20
The timers T1 through T7 in conjunction with their registers
form Timer-Register pairs The registers hold the pulse du-
ration values All the Timer-Register pairs can be read from
or written to Each timer can be started or stopped under
software control Once enabled the timers count down and
upon underflow the contents of its associated register are
automatically loaded into the timer
The flexible timer structure of the HPC167064 simplifies
pulse generation and measurement There are four syn-
chronous timer outputs (TS0 through TS3) that work in con-
junction with the timer T2 The synchronous timer outputs
can be used either as regular outputs or individually pro-
grammed to toggle on timer T2 underflows (see
Figure 20
Timerregister pairs 4–7 form four identical units which can
generate synchronous outputs on Port P (see
Figure 21
FIGURE 20 Timers T2–T3 Block