© National Instruments Corporation 19 cFP-21xx Quick Start Guide
Operate the product only at or below Pollution Degree 2. Pollution is foreign
matter in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state that can reduce dielectric strength or
surface resistivity. The following is a description of pollution degrees:
• Pollution Degree 1 means no pollution or only dry, nonconductive pollution
occurs. The pollution has no influence.
• Pollution Degree 2 means that only nonconductive pollution occurs in most
cases. Occasionally, however, a temporary conductivity caused by
condensation must be expected.
• Pollution Degree 3 means that conductive pollution occurs, or dry,
nonconductive pollution occurs which becomes conductive due to
Caution You must insulate signal connections for the maximum voltage
for which the Compact FieldPoint product is rated. Do not exceed the
maximum ratings for the product. Do not install wiring while the
product is live with electrical signals. Do not remove or add connector
blocks when power is connected to the Compact FieldPoint system.
Avoid contact between your body and the connector block signal wiring
when hot-swapping modules.
Operate Compact FieldPoint products at or below the measurement category
marked on the hardware label. Measurement circuits are subjected to working
and transient stresses (overvoltage) from the circuit to which they are
connected during measurement or test. Measurement categories establish standard
Measurement categories are defined in electrical safety standard IEC 61010-1.
Working voltage is the highest rms value of an AC or DC voltage that can occur across any particular