Chapter 5 Classical Feedback Analysis
© National Instruments Corporation 5-21 Xmath Control Design Module
values at which the power spectral density is to be computed and where
dependent matrices are the input power spectral density matrix at each
psd( ) computes a cross power spectral density matrix for each
of a user–specified set of frequency values ω, returning them together in the
psd( ) calls freq( ) internally to compute the frequency response, H, of
the system. It uses the frequency range specified by the domain of
The power spectral density of the output as a function of frequency, given in
Ypsd, is obtained from the real parts of the diagonal terms of the dependent
matrices in
Some background information on power spectral density may be useful.
Given a time-domain input series U(t), the power spectral density of U(t)
is the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation of U(t). For a system with
q inputs each input spectral density dependent matrix within
Uspec is a
square Hermitian matrix of size q. A Hermitian matrix is a square matrix
equal to its complex conjugate transpose. If
Uspec is constant for all
frequencies (when the spectrum is white) then
Uspec can be specified as
a single matrix.
If you are working with multiple systems which have been cascaded in
series, the output power spectral density of the first system can be used
as the input power density to the second system in a subsequent use of
psd( ).
For an example of how to verify the response of a system to white noise
input, refer to Example 5-7.
Example 5-7 Verifying the Response of a System to White Noise Input
You can easily generate the power spectral density of an input white noise
sys = polynomial(-0.5)/polynomial([0,0,-2,-10]);
w = logspace(0.01,1,50);
Uspec = pdm(ones(w),w);
You then use psd( ) to obtain the output power spectral density and the
cross-spectral density as a function of frequency.
[Ypsd,Yspec] = psd(sys,Uspec);
Hjw()× U
jw× Hjw–()×=