
© National Instruments Corporation G-3 HSE Linking Device and NI-FBUS Software
Event An occurrence on a device that causes a Fieldbus entity to send the
Fieldbus event message.
Field device A Fieldbus device connected directly to a Fieldbus.
Fieldbus An all-digital, two-way communication system that connects control
systems to instrumentation. A process control local area network
defined by ISA standard S50.02.
Fieldbus cable Shielded, twisted pair cable made specifically for Fieldbus that has
characteristics important for good signal transmission and are within
the requirements of the Fieldbus standard.
Fieldbus Foundation An organization that developed a Fieldbus network specifically based
upon the work and principles of the ISA/IEC standards committees.
Fieldbus Network Address Location of a board or device on the Fieldbus; the Fieldbus node
Foundation Fieldbus
The communications network specification that the Fieldbus
Foundation created.
FP-3000 National Instruments network interface module for the
FieldPoint I/O system.
Function block A named block consisting of one or more input, output, and contained
parameters. The block performs some control function as its
algorithm. Function blocks are the core components you control a
system with. The Fieldbus Foundation defines standard sets of
function blocks. There are ten function blocks for the most basic
control and I/O functions. Manufacturers can define their own
function blocks.
Function Block Application The block diagram that represents your control strategy.
H1 The 31.25 kbit/second type of Fieldbus.
HSE High Speed Ethernet. The 100 Mbit/second type of Fieldbus.
HMI Human-Machine Interface. A graphical user interface for the process
with supervisory control and data acquisition capability.