© National Instruments Corporation G-1 PCI-Based MXI-2 Interface for Windows
Prefix Meaning Value
p- pico- 10
n- nano- 10
µ- micro- 10
m- milli- 10
k- kilo- 10
M- mega- 10
G- giga- 10
t- tera- 10
A16 space VXIbus address space equivalent to the VME 64 KB short address space.
In VXI, the upper 16 KB of A16 space is allocated for use by VXI devices
configuration registers. This 16 KB region is referred to as VXI
configuration space.
A24 space VXIbus address space equivalent to the VME 16 MB standard address
A32 space VXIbus address space equivalent to the VME 4 GB extended address space
ACFAIL A VMEbus backplane signal that is asserted when a power failure has
occurred (either AC line source or power supply malfunction), or if it is
necessary to disable the power supply (such as for a high-temperature
address Character code that identifies a specific location (or series of locations) in
memory. In VISA, it identifies a resource.
address modifier One of six signals in the VMEbus specification used by VMEbus masters
to indicate the address space in which a data transfer is to take place