
SCXI-1127/1128 User Manual G-4 ni.com
random scanning scanning the channels in a mux in any order
relay a switch that connects or disconnects the signal to a common through the
physical movement of a metal arm
RMA Return Material Authorization
rms root mean squarethe square root of the average value of the square of the
instantaneous signal amplitude; a measure of signal amplitude
RTD resistance temperature detectora metallic probe that measures
temperature based upon its coefficient of resistivity
s seconds
scan the data acquisition of signals connected to multiple channels of a
multiplexer. Typically, the measurement device uses a trigger to
advance the multiplexer to the next channel in the scan.
SCANADVD scanner advance signalin handshake scanning this signal is generated by
the switching module to let the instrument or DMM know that the
switching module has finished settling at the current channel
scan list a list of channels supplied to NI-SWITCH that indicates the order in which
channels will be scanned
scanner advanced
the trigger generated by the switch card when scanning. The trigger occurs
after the switch card has closed a switch and the switch has settled.
SCXI Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentationthe National
Instruments product line for conditioning low-level signals within an
external chassis near sensors so only high-level signals are sent to DAQ
boards in the noisy PC environment
sensor a device that responds to a physical stimulus (heat, light, sound,
pressure, motion, flow, and so on), and produces a corresponding
electrical signal
settling time the amount of time required for a voltage to reach its final value within
specified limits