RX 1510-C/-I/-CI
– 99 –
10.0 Troubleshooting table
Fault: Possible cause: Remedy:
Engine running, machine does
not move!
Insufficient hydraulic oil in the hydraulic
oil tank.
• Check hydraulic oil level
• Check the hydraulic system
for leaks
Engine does not start! Too little fuel in the fuel tank. • Check fuel level and if
necessary refill
Error codes and meanings
Error code: Meaning: Possible cause: Troubleshooting:
FErr 1 An unknown character was
This signal is displayed the
moment the connection to the
machine controller is physically
interrupted, for example in the
case of cable break or released
Check the wiring to the
machine controller. Replace
defective parts.
FErr 2 No telegram has been
received for a specific time
from the machine controller.
This error indicates a cable
Check the wiring to the
machine controller. Replace
defective parts.
Err 1
Signal received from infrared
transmitter, although manual
control active.
The machine was started
with the manual switchbox,
therefore operating the infrared
control transmitter is not
This error disappears, as
soon as no signals are
received via infrared.
Err 2 Signal received from manual
control, although infrared
control transmitter active.
The machine was started
with the infrared transmitter,
therefore operating the manual
switchbox is not possible.
This error disappears, as
soon as no more signals are
received from the manual
Machine must be operated
with the infrared transmitter.
Turn machine off and restart
with manual switchbox.
Err 3 Valid infrared signal received.
Address is however incorrect.
Address of transmitter and
receiver do not agree
Check and adjust the
addresses between
transmitter and controller.
Co-ordinate addresses of
transmitter and receiver (0-9)
Err 13 Inclination indicator triggered Machine has tilted. Place machine upright
Control unit in incorrect
Example: Installation position
incorrect/incorrectly installed
after repair or not fastened for
Check controller for position
and fit and if necessary
Err 21 Low distance shutdown
activated. This error can only
occur during active infrared
Operator is too near to the
Increase distance between
transmitter (operator) and
Troubleshooting table