Figure 17. Pump Actuation Levers/Speed Control Rod
Matching Blade Pitch for Both Sets of Blades
Sometimes it may be necessary to match blade pitch between
the two sets of blades. There are some signs that this may be
necessary. For example, the differences in pitch could cause
a noticeable difference in finish quality between the two sets
of blades. Or, the difference in blade pitch could make the
machine difficult to control. This is due to the surface area in
contact with the concrete (the blade set with the greater contact
area tends to stick to the concrete more).
To fix this problem, each spider assembly can be pitched
individually. With a Single Pitch machine, the operator is forced
to constantly make adjustments on each pitch tower. On a
Twin Pitch machine, the operator must lift up on one of the
pitch control handles, disengaging the linkage between the
towers. Once this is done, a pitch control crank can be turned
to adjust the difference. Make sure to lock the linkage back in
place when finished with adjustments.
Blade Pitch Adjustment Procedure
The maintenance adjustment of blade pitch is an adjustment
that is made by a bolt (Figure 18) on the arm of the trowel
blade finger. This bolt is the contact point of the trowel arm to
the lower wear plate on the thrust collar. The goal of adjustment
is to promote consistent blade pitch and finishing quality.
There are some things to look for when checking to see if
adjustment is necessary. Is the machine wearing out blades
unevenly (i.e. one blade is completely worn out while the others
look new)? Does the machine have a perceptible rolling or
bouncing motion when in use? Look at the machine while it is
running, do the guard rings “rock up and down” relative to the
ground? Do the pitch control towers rock back and forth? These
are some of the indications that the blade pitch may need to
be adjusted using the adjustment bolts on the trowel blade
Figure 18. Blade Pitch Adjustment Bolt