A wide range of voltages are available to supply voltage
for many different applications. Voltages are selected by
applying jumpers (6) to the voltage change-over board
(Figure 12). To obtain some of the voltages as listed in
Table 7 (see below) will require a fi ne adjustment using
the voltage regulator (VR) control knob located on the
control panel.
Voltage Change-Over Board
The voltage change-over board (Figure 12) is located on
the control box, behind the generator control panel. This
board has been provided for ease of voltage selection.
Voltage Change-Over BoardFigure 12.
NEVER attempt to place jumper plates on the voltage
change-over board while the generator is in operation.
There exist the possibility of electrocution, electrical
shock or burn, which can cause severe bodily harm
or even death!
Voltages AvailableTable 7.
Three Phase
208V 220V 240V 416V 440V 480V
Single Phase
120V 127V 139V 240V 254V 277V
Generator Amperage
Tables 8 and 9 describe the generator’s current output
capability for both 1Ø-phase and 3Ø phase applications.
These calculations refl ect the maximum amount of current the generator can
provide at each output terminal pair. To obtain the total generator amperage,
multiply by 3.
Example 1: 488.6 amps @ 120V per output terminal pair X 3 = 1,486 amps
Example 2: 244.3 amps @ 240V per out put terminal pair X 3 = 733 amps
Generator Ampere Ratings — 1ØTable 8.
kW 120V 139V 240V 277V 480V
80 222 191 111 96 55
110 305 263 152 131 76
140 388 335 194 167 97
170 472 407 236 203 118
200 555 480 277 240 138
230 638 551 319 275 160
260 722 623 361 311 180
290 805 695 402 347 201
320 (Max) 889 767 444 383 222
Generator Ampere Ratings — 3ØTable 9.
KVA 240V 480V
100 240 120
130 312 156
160 384 192
190 457 228
220 529 264
250 601 300
280 674 337
310 746 373
340 818 409
370 890 445
400 962 481