ThinkCore W311/321/341 Linux User’s Manual System Commands
1. kill kill process
2. ps display now running process
1. dmesg dump kernel log message
2. sty to set serial port
3. zcat dump .gz file context
4. mknod make device node
5. free display system memory usage
6. date print or set the system date and time
7. env run a program in a modified environment
8. clear clear the terminal screen
9. reboot reboot / power off/on the server
10. halt halt the server
11. du estimate file space usage
12. gzip, gunzip compress or expand files
13. hostname show system’s host name
MOXA special utilities
1. backupfs backup file system (user directory)
2. bf built the file system (user directory)
3. kversion show kernel version
4. cat /etc/version show user directory version
5. upramdisk mount ramdisk
6. downramdisk unmount ramdisk