
EDS-726 Series User’s Manual Featured Functions
Time Server IP/Name
Setting Description Factory Default
1st Time Server IP/Name IP or Domain address (e.g., or
time.stdtime.gov.tw or time.nist.gov).
2nd Time Server IP/Name
EDS-726 will try to locate the 2nd NTP Server
if the 1st NTP Server fails to connect.
Time Server Query Period
Setting Description Factory Default
Query Period This parameter determines how frequently the
time is updated from the NTP server.
600 seconds
System File Update—By Remote TFTP
MOXA EDS-726 supports saving your configuration file to a remote TFTP server or local host to
allow other EDS-726 switches to use the same configuration at a later time, or saving the Log file
for future reference. Loading pre-saved firmware or a configuration file from the TFTP server or
local host is also supported for easy upgrading or configuration of EDS-726.
TFTP Server IP/Name
Setting Description Factory Default
IP Address of TFTP
The IP or name of the remote TFTP server. Must be
set up before downloading or uploading files.
Configuration file path and name
Setting Description Factory Default
Max. 40 Characters The path and file name of EDS-726’s configuration
file in the TFTP server.
Firmware file path and name
Setting Description Factory Default
Max. 40 Characters The path and file name of EDS-726’s firmware file. None