page 10powered subwoofers
Once all the speaker wires or preamp interconnect cables are in place, you are ready to plug in
the Subwoofer. Set the "BASS LEVEL" control to "MIN". Then plug the AC cord in. You should hear
a thump from the Subwoofer. This is the normal sound of its power supply charging and discharging
when it is plugged in and unplugged.
Once your system wiring is complete and the Subwoofer is plugged into the wall, leave it plugged
in, even when the system is turned off. The normal mode of operation for the Subwoofer is to remain
plugged in 24 hours a day. Among other things, this means that you don't have to walk over to the
Subwoofer to turn it on every time you want to use the system.
If you decide to plug the Subwoofer into a switched outlet on another component, that outlet must
have the following minimum power ratings:
Minimum of 150 watts: V-90, V-2B, V-3B, VX-4, VX-7
Minimum of 200 watts: MX-1000, MX-1000cc, MX-90, MX-80, MX-70, V-1B, V-125
Do not use a switched outlet with the MX-2000, MX-100, and V-100.
Now, play some music through your system to make sure that the Satellite speakers are working
properly. If they are, carefully advance the "BASS LEVEL" control. The Subwoofer should begin to
play. Set the "BASS LEVEL" control where the Subwoofer sounds in balance with the Satellite
speakers. If the system is not working properly, unplug the Subwoofer and check all of your
connections. Call your dealer or the factory if you cannot solve any problem.
The best way to set the level of the Subwoofer is to do it by ear, listening over several hours or
days to familiar recordings. Make adjustments to the level in small increments, depending on whether
the bass level sounds too high or too low. Of course, you can always deliberately set the level higher
or lower than "flat" if you need a higher bass level or if you don't want to disturb your neighbors.
You are now almost finished with the basic set-up. But before you can sit down to enjoy your new
Subwoofer, you need to perform one simple Phasing Test. This test insures optimum sound in the
critical bass frequencies where your Subwoofer and Satellite speakers overlap.
NOTE: If you have the V-125 subwoofer, ignore the instructions that make reference to changing
the Satellite speaker inputs. In place of changing the inputs, all you have to do is move the "PHASE"
switch on the V-125's back panel from either up (+) or down (—) to the opposite position.
Play a familiar CD, LP, or tape with steady, consistent bass. Listen carefully to the "mid-bass"
(75 - 125 Hz) region — the part of the spectrum where electric or string basses and drums are found.
Then, reverse the Positive and Negative speaker inputs on the back of BOTH Satellite speakers. Move
the lead on the Positive (+) terminal to the Negative (—) terminal, and vice versa.
Alternately, you can do this at the Subwoofer's "TO SPEAKERS" terminals, but never switch the
inputs at both the backs of the Satellite speakers and the Subwoofer.