(Note: In order to gain an extra 10dB of headroom on the low frequency effects (LFE) channel, Dolby
specifies that this channel be recorded 10dB lower than the 5 main channels. This 10dB lower level is made up in
the playback chain to restore the correct 5 channel to .1 channel balance. For additional information please see
the "Dolby Digital Professional Encoder Manual" which is available from the Dolby website. (www
1. Connect the left, center, right, left surround and right surround outputs of your mixer to the left, center, right,
left surround and right surround input channels of the LFE-4.
2. Connect the outputs of LFE-4 to the inputs of your power amplifiers or directly to your powered
3. Connect the mixer output assigned to the low frequency effects channel (LFE) to the +0 dB input of
the LFE-4.
4. Connect one of the subwoofer outputs of the LFE-4 to the XLR input of your subwoofer. Set your M&K
Professional subwoofer as follows: set the filter switch to THX, set the phase switch to plus and set the gain
switch to the THX position.
Bass Management Controller