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No. 99MBC034B
4.4 Clearing the Peak Value (with D-EV)
Held (retained) peak values can be cleared as necessary.
(1) Press the DISP key to select a CEL number. The count
value of the selected CEL will be displayed (on D-EV) or
(2) Press the MODE key to select one of the Max., Min., and
TIR modes. The corresponding LED on the D-EV is turned
on to indicate the selected mode. (Refer to section 4.3
Switching the Peak Mode (with D-EV).)
(3) Press the P.SET key to clear the peak value.
This results in Max. = Min. = Current value, and TIR = 0.
NOTE • If the P.SET key is pressed in the current-value mode,
both peak-value clear and presetting are executed.
(Refer to section 4.7 Presetting (with D-EV).
• Press the P.SET key to clear the peak values of all
CELs assigned the same INPUT number.
(Example: With available axes = 2 if the peak value of
CEL1 is cleared with the P.SET key, the peak values
of CEL3 and CEL5 will also be cleared. Refer to sec-
tion 3.2.4 List of parameters.)