NetCommand™ Setup, cont’d.
Review Screen
Figure 1
Once you have nished the setup screens and
selected the manufacturer for each device, you will
see the Review Screen. It is important to review
the settings. If necessary, you can navigate back
through the NetCommand™ Setup screens to
make changes. On this screen, adding or deleting
check marks will turn On or Off the adjacent Input or
Note: The Review screen lists TV and A/V
Receiver inputs used with each device. Verify that
these are the inputs you used when you connected
the devices. If you have not connected your
devices, write down these inputs as a guide. If
you cannot use these inputs, or if you would like to
change the name of a device, use the instructions
for Edit NetCommand™ to make necessary
Finish Screen
Figure 2
When the Finish screen is displayed, all selections
are nalized. Select Finish to complete setup.
Note: If you wish to change any of the pre-
congured inputs or names for the devices, or add
devices not in the pre-congured setup, select the
Edit button to display Edit NetCommand™ menu.
You still need to memorize the available channels
for Ant-A, Ant-B and Ant-DTV by going to the
Main menu and selecting Antenna. Instructions to
memorize channels are found in the Antenna menu.
Figure 1. Review screen.
Figure 2. Finish screen.