8. ProjectorView
8.4. Setting the network password
(1) Click [PASSWORD] in the Setup window.
• Thewindowappearstoenterthecurrentnetworkpassword.
(2) Enter the current network password and click [OK]. (The default is "admin".)
• Ifthepasswordiscorrect,anotherwindowappearstoenteranewone.
• Ifthepasswordiswrong,anerrormessageisdisplayed.Whenyouclick[OK],thecurrentnetwork
password window reappears.
(3) Enter the New network password and Confirm network password, and then click [OK].
• Ifpasswordsenteredmatch,thewindowclosestosavethechanges.
• Ifpasswordsentereddonotmatch,anerrormessageisdisplayed.Whenyouclick[OK],thenewnetwork
password window reappears.
8.5. Resetting the network settings
When you reset the network settings, all data and settings specified in 8.3. Entering projector information will be
reverted to factory defaults. Each field will go blank, Alert e-mail service will be set to OFF, Language to English,
(1) Click [RESET] in the Setup window.
• Thewindowappearstoresetthenetworksettings.
(2) Click [OK] to revert the network settings to factory defaults.
• Ifyouclick[CANCEL],thewindowcloseswithoutresetofthenetworksettings.