
DX-VS1UE User’
’s Manual
s Manuals Manual
s Manual
mail is sent when the sensor1 detects events. (To use sensor input detection, a sensor should be con-
nected to DX-VS1UE. If administrator clicks on periodic sending, e-mail is sent periodically every
preset time. The interval may be modified.)
File name: Regarding the file name of images sent in MD or Sensor event, the file name is decided
combining all options. Regarding the file name image sent in periodic sending event, administrator
can decide how to name image files among three methods. Administrator names a file with data &
time (DATETIME; E.g IMG-CH00-2001030-223031.eye) or sequential number (SEQNUM; E.g.
IMG-CH00-SN1.eye). Also administrator names the file with fixed string (Manually assigned file-
name). The image file has ‘.eye’ file extension so that the file can be reproduced on Internet
browser. With DATETIME or SEQNUM format, DX-VS1UE automatically put ‘.eye’ file exten-
sion. When a file name is set manually, make sure to put ‘.eye’ file extension(e.g. manual.eye). If
not, the file cannot be reproduced on Internet browser or other program.
Note: If you’ve selected sequencial number as the method of file naming , whenever the ‘Apply’
button is pressed, the sequential number is reset to initial value.
Image quality: Administrator can set image resolution delivered by e-mail. The resolution can be
selected among 90x60, 180x121, 360x243, 720x243, and 720x486. The image of 90 by 60 pixels is
the lowest resolution and the smallest size.
(5) FTP directory configuration
Administrator assigns FTP server address, FTP user account, FTP user password, and FTP user path
to receive files when an event occurs.
Check Points for E-mail Sending Problem
If you have problem in sending e-mail, check the followings;
! You have set DNS address properly in the “Network Configuration” page.
! You have set sender’s e-mail address properly in the “Application Configuration”
! You have set relay mail server properly in the “Application Configuration” page.