7 - 29 7 - 29
(c) Click the [Close] button to close the System monitor screen.
(d) Choose [Online] - [Debug] - [Device test] on GX Developer and set the
prerecorded values to the buffer memory.
(e) Turn the user range write request (YA) from OFF to ON to restore the user
set values to the module.
(f) Referring to (1), enable the conversion of the channel to be used, and
monitor the digital output values (buffer memory addresses 11 to 18:
Un\G11 to 18) to check that proper conversion has been made.
(g) Executing module control resumption resumes control according to the
contents of the initial setting program. Make sure that the contents of the
initial setting program are correct.
(5) Resumption of control
(a) After choosing [Diagnosis] - [Online module change] on GX Developer to
redisplay the "Online module change" screen, click the [Execution] button to
resume control. The FROM/TO instruction for the module resumes.