your guard. The supplier may not be aware of the potential problem.
Illegal copying of programs has led to vast distribution of the many
common types of virus.
There are various software companies who design Anti-Virus
software for both home and corporate use and some of these are very
reliable. They are however no substitute for tight control of your
system and your software.
Virus infection can be avoided. It should never be any great threat
providing reasonably simple precautions are taken ;
• Purchase software from only reputable sources.
• Avoid ‘second hand’ software.
• Do not lend other people your software master disks.
• Write protect your floppy disks.
• Perform regular backups of your data.
• Always be aware of what other people might be doing when
they have open access to your computer.
• With any ‘Second hand’ disks, format them first.