Sending Internet E-Mail (SMTP)
Appendix AT Commands MIM-A01
Mitsubishi Industrial Modem 8-17
AT+T Send="Email;..."
AT+T Send="Email; To: Recipient; Dial: Number;From: Sender; Flags:flag
PPPUser: User; PPPPassword: Password; SMTPMailServer: SMTPServer"
>MessageText line#1
>MessageText line#n
This command sends an Internet e-mail or sets the parameters.
After closing the command line using <CR/LF>, your Tixi modem displays a prompt (>) where you
can specify the subject line.
The actual message text is entered in the subsequent lines.
To close this message, press <CTRL>+<Z>.
If you skip the message text, the parameters are saved for later use until replaced by new parameters.
Dialup number of the Internet service provider.
Enter characters which can be dialled (0-9,*,#, comma) only.
Internal e-mail address of the message sender, for example,
Thisaddressisusedfor theFrom:fieldoftheoutgoingmessage.
Internet e-mail address of the message recipient, recipient
otto@example.net. This address is used for the To: field of the
outgoing message.
Enter “PbS“ here if POP-before-SMTP is to be used.
(otherwise you can omit the parameter.)
PPP user name to dial into the Internet service provider.
PPP password.
Nameoraddressof theSMTPserverthatisto sendthemessage,
for example, mail.provider.com.
Subject line of the e-mail.
Thisis alwaysgeneratedfromthe firstlinethat isenteredafterthe
MessageText line#1...n:
Other lines of the e-mail text.
Each lineis entered atthe prompt characterdisplayed bythe mo-
dem and closed by <ENTER>. The message text must not con-
tain umlauts.
An Internet e-mail is sent:
AT+T Send="EMail; Dial: 0191011; From: user@example.com;
To: info@example.net;
PPPUser: 00012345678445566; PPPPassword: Rose;
SMTPMailServer: smtp.t-online.de"
>Hello Paul,
>This is the important message sent by e-mail.
Short modem reply: