
FX1N Series Programmable Controllers Introduction 1.
1.5 Back up Data
1.5.1 EEPROM backup
Data includes the Program, Comment, File Registers (D1000 ~ D7999), and parameter data.
This will be stored as long as the EEPROM is not damaged. Mitsubishi Electric has
guaranteed a life cycle time of 10,000 writes to the EEPROM memory. Users may experience
operational writes to the EEPROM in excess of 10,000; however, due to temperature effects a
quantitative estimation cannot be given.
When saving the device status in the EEPROM, the electric power of the PLC's built-in
capacitor is used.
If the PLC has been powered on for five minutes or more, the following device data will be
saved in the EEPROM at powerdown:
S0 ~ S127, M384 ~ M511, C16 ~ C31, C235 ~ C255, and D128 ~ D255.
When the EEPROM keep device status cannot be correctly saved to the EEPROM by shortage
of electric charge, at the next power-on the status of the device will be that which saved to the
EEPROM at the last save.
1.5.2 Capacitor backup
The capacitor backed memory includes M512 ~ M1535, S128 ~ S999, T246 ~ T255,
C32 ~ C199, C220 ~ C234, D256 ~ D7999 and the RTC.
The capacitor backed memory will retain data for a maximum of 10 days (Ambient
temperature: 25 °C), and requires 30 minutes to recharge upon power up.
: The FX
does not have battery backup, if a system requires backup of more than 10
days (Ambient temperature: 25 °C), a peripheral backup power source must be provided.